The Farm

As cattle we have chosen for “Aberdeen Angus”. This breed originates from Scotland.

Aberdeen Angus cattle is known as strong and gentle and able to stay out all year round. Among other good qualities this cattle produces excellent meat.

Our herd has been put together from live-stock bought from breeders in Czech, Denmark and Switzerland.

It is our intention to breed top quality Aberdeen Angus to enable us to sell heifers and selected bulls to other breeders in Europe. Bulls who do not pass the selection procedure as stock bull are slaughtered at an age of approximately two years.

Our firm intention is to create the best conditions for our cattle within their natural habitat.

To improve the landscape we have transformed many fields into nice grasslands for our cattle and for the production of hay and silage as cattle feed. For that purpose we have seeded some 20 hectares of clover as well. This field is attracting substantial numbers of roe, red and fellow deer, wild boar and other spices.

Trees, Hawthorn and beech hedges have been planted and we shall continue to do so in future.

To support the pollinator program we have started to make strips with various flowers. This project will be extended this year.